Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Madhya Pradesh puts 51 blocks on auctions including 14 critical minerals

Madhya Pradesh on Friday issued a tender notice for the auction of 51 mineral blocks, including 14 with critical minerals, according to a release. This is the highest number of mineral blocks notified for the auction in a single tranche by any state, the Mines Ministry said in the release.
The 51 blocks comprise 14 minerals including strategic and critical minerals like graphite and vanadium, platinum group of elements (PGE) and also other major minerals such as manganese, bauxite, limestone, iron ore, base metal and gold.

“13 blocks are for mining lease and 38 blocks are for composite licence,” it said. While mining lease is given for mines with proven reserves, composite licence for mines where some level of exploration is needed.

Madhya Pradesh auctioned 29 blocks in 2022-23. Since the introduction of the auction process in 2015, the state has notified 125 mineral blocks for auction, of which 46 have been successfully auctioned.

“Bihar, West Bengal, Telangana, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana and Kerala have not auctioned any blocks since 2015,” the ministry said.